Clarity of purpose is the booster of our dreams.
Without clarity we have only a vague wish, a foggy vision, a distant relationship with our desire.
So many levels of our life require that we be clear, it seems fair to say that clarity is, like awareness, a mental attitude to cultivate on a daily basis.
Clarity makes for a better existence all around.
We usually know clearly a lot of things, at a gut level, but it takes a definite effort of focus to bring up a crystal clear image or definition of what our purpose truly is…
Sometimes it can feel daunting to get crystal clear. For diverse reasons.
One is fearing that by refining a very clear goal we might be turning off many other possibilities.
That is unfounded, since our purpose can and will evolve along with us.
Another is our reluctance to the need for some big change that clarity may bring.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t serve us nor anybody else to procrastinate when change is needed.
There is only erratic wandering under the guise of routine when we avoid clarity’s sharp wisdom.
Although at times, we do genuinely seek clarity but we keep blundering in contradictory directions; maybe considering a lot too many parameters that we would ignore readily in periods of dire circumstances.
I noticed how much clearer everything tends to come into focus dramatically when I am facing extreme duress.
Which would tend to show that somewhere the clarity I need is always present; probably just gets muddied by the accumulation of secondary questions…
Most often than not, it just takes time, persistence, asking for higher guidance or inner wisdom, and letting go of a time frame.
As necessary as clarity is, it never requires to get into urgency mode.
At the contrary, we have all to gain in slowing down and getting into a timeless mental zone, allowing essential notions to surface and our vision to sharpen.
What is reassuring is that clarity of purpose does emerge when we give ourselves the means to bring it out.
Willingness, repetition, patience, self-acceptance and faith in our ability to tap into Universal Intelligence are all good allies in our quest.
Every effort, time and energy invested in finding our clearest purpose is rewarded by a better understanding and mastery of self, and a sense of belonging to the life we get to live.
The magic however is in the transformation process and in the journey itself.
Because the quest never really ends, it just keeps getting more and more finely tuned.
Our purpose gets more and more defined, our level of happiness gets higher, our success increases, we feel more and more “aligned”, moves are easier and swifter, life gets better.
And last but not least it brings us ever closer to our soul purpose… And that’s no small deed.