Articles to Inspire

From struggling to flowing…
It’s just the flow of creating.
Reorganizing pieces already there, and seeing them in a completely new light, new form, new interaction… and getting a step further in the quest, no matter what it is.

Fear, hatred and being human
We live in a world of contrast and clashing realities right now.We are also efficiently pushed in an on-going battle of opinions and belligerent perspectives that spin out of control in too many places. Hateful narratives and aggressive behaviors (fueled by media and by those who quietly really benefit from the chaos) leave little room

Different but together
Recently, after brief conversations on social media where I defended what could be called liberal points of view, a couple of people chose to unfriend me or even block me. It made me pause and want to reaffirm my preference for togetherness over differences.These are highly emotional times where things tend to become more and

How could I be happy when the world is in shambles?
How could I be happy when the world is in shambles? Is it selfish and heartless to dare being happy, to flaunt my joy to be alive when there is so much misery in this world? What about children dying of hunger, and war, and climate change? The first thing is that my being unhappy,

A vector of peace
One can feel very powerless today in front of the many signs of unrest around us in the world.
From neighborhood to nations, from individuals to micro cultures, opinions and judgements, discriminations, ostracism and criticism, hate and division seem to contaminate every level of our humane existence on this planet.

Personal time… Am I being selfish?
I had a conversation lately with someone who longs for positive change and considers coaching with me. She prioritizes her family and coworkers whom she wants to be there for, in a myriad of ways, and feels it would be selfish to carve out time for coaching, to focus on herself, her wellbeing, her relationships,

Self-Acceptance: a safe space for growth
Though we may talk about Self-Care and (reluctantly) about Self-Love, we seldom really approach Self-Acceptance.Self-Acceptance? Hhhmmm…. Sounds very self-centered, and reeks of indulgence, somewhat. How could this allow me to ever outgrow my shortcomings, perform at my best, be an inspiration, be successful?I would have to accept the whole of me? I would have to

The swirl (relax it’s just a thought storm!)
The Swirl (Relax, it’s only a thought storm!)Sometimes I get all in my head.You know what I mean. I dive into thought.All kinds of elaborated variations around whatever fear or doubt is going on.About anything.I know better. I learned that I should not believe all my thoughts. They come and go.They don’t reflect reality; most of the time they even

I choose happiness
Choosing happiness is a deliberate attitude toward Life that not only permits you to thrive, it also shines light onto the world. Nothing selfish about it. Happiness, contentment, joy, and gratitude, are not “happening” to us. They are feelings that we can generate from the inside out, by focusing on what is already good and

A new year ahead, what will it bring?
What will 2023 bring? After almost 3 years of Covid-19 pandemic and its trail of losses, fears and realizations, we may be wondering about what 2023 will bring.This was a long and winding road we took, and many of us sufferred loss in so many ways. Although we are a lot less directly affected by

Hidden whimsy
You remember when you were a kid, laying under the sky and looking at the clouds? You’d see all these fantastic figures, creatures, and things in them? Morphing and fading away in minutes, and so exhilarating every time…As kids we are familiar with whimsy. We are it. We love it. And too often we grow

Back to my easel… at last.
A few weeks ago I sat in front of my easel, I squeezed some glistening oil paints on my palette, took up a brush, and started to paint again.I made luscious little mounds of paint, added thinner, and linseed oil, and I started mixing colors, and applying their creaminess on the canvas… sky first. Ultramarine