Articles to Inspire
The full Monty
Here is something I’d love to share, because if you are at all like me (a human being living in the 21st century I mean), it might really resonate one day and be the hinge on which you’ll swing the door to a crazy good life. Many recipes, remedies, techniques, brightly promise to fix various
Dare being seen in all your glory!
Dear one, A couple days ago a coaching conversation got me all fired up on a subject particularly close to my heart and I thought I’d share my thoughts with you… In our world full of shiny objects it’s amazing how reluctant most of us are to beam out own brightness into the world at
The wind under our wings
Do you want more? More happiness, more peace, more money, more friends, more love… more freedom? More justice in the world? More respect for women? More sanity, more kindness, more whales, more clean air ? It is in our very nature to want growth, to reach out, to hope, to long for… No matter where
Berfriending what is
Any of us can remember a day recent or not when “bad news” punched us in the stomach out of nowhere. Unexpected death of a dear one, drab diagnosis at the doctor’s office, loss of a family supporting job, dismissal from a partner, or less dramatic but much disruptive news, mishaps or accidents, they are
We all have stories.Because we all have history. And we tend to take our stories (and oh! how they become well crafted with repetition) and use them as shields between us and the world. Between us and success, between us and growth. Between us and health. We identify to the person in the story (as
5 foolproof steps to have a good day
Most people (of which I was for a long time) start their day mindlessly and let outside circumstances have their way with them, merely living in reaction to whatever presents itself. There is a much better way: we can elevate greatly the quality of our entire life with a few simple daily practices that makes
Compassion vs depletion
While looking for the good in everything and practicing happiness from the inside out, I often come across people who feel depressed and defeated or angry and belligerent, by reaction to the state of the world around us and I remember that a long time ago I used to feel that way… From a dispirited
Wholeness in the face of circumstances
We are bigger than our circumstances. Resilience is what makes us stay the course and break through when most have given up. What keeps the athlete get back up up and finish the race. The grits to believe in betterment and solutions. Faith in being bigger than any circumstance. Resilience is the difference between breaking
The things we take for granted
The things we take for granted… As the first month of this year unfolded, and it seemed with great velocity, I found myself faced with a few unexpected challenges, one being a brutal cold that put me in bed with fever, for several days, weak as a kitten… I am very rarely sick and this
Self-Compassion to heal the world
Dear one, on your transformational journey to a happier and more fulfilling life, you are surely practicing compassion to bestow more benevolence onto our world… Compassion permits harmonious co-existence in extreme diversity; by being non-judgemental and wishing peace and wellness to everyone, we create a safe and sacred space for all, and we bring more
Forgiveness: A personal, emotional unshackling
Forgiveness is a struggle for most of usForgiveness is the inner work triggering in us the most resistance though it is the most powerful healing tool we have at our fingertips at any time.So why do we resist so much the emotional release, the liberation that true forgiveness can bring us? Because there is a
Ode to the day
A new day, untouched, to savor and co-create!Every morning I wake up with the same joyful anticipation one has just before a long awaited event, like Christmas morning or a departure for an exotic vacation… Here is a brand new day ahead, untouched, a precious package of 24 hours for me to unwrap, to infold,