Articles to Inspire

Flying seagull by Emmeline Craig

What if I’m wrong? I can’t make up my mind!

From my experience as a life coach, one of the most crippling mental blocks we can run into as we try and build a life we truly love is this: “What if I make the wrong choice?”. What if I upset the apple cart and it’s a mistake? What if I realize later that I

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Art In Your Home - Short

The proven power of art in your home

The benefits of displaying artwork at home: Decreases stress levels, promotes critical thinking and ccreativity, fosters empathy, love and pleasure, adds personality, drives conversations and connections, builds an investment.

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Gratitude is like a warm blanket

Dear one, on Thanksgiving day (one of my most favorite holidays), which is a traditional occasion for big family gatherings and food feasts, my thoughts have been on gratitude, more so than usual. On a regular basis I practice gratitude, and I try to start my days right after waking up, with a focus on

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Inside Out Quantum Journey

Excellence or Perfection: what’s your mindset?

I’ve said it before and I will again: perfectionism is the enemy of a life well lived.  In my experience, perfectionism is a foe.Perfection is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow… First of all, the idea of perfection is preposterous as and in itself, because no matter how good we’ll do

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The life transforming power of minute choices

When we talk about making choices, in relation to our future and personal growth, we often refer to significant choices. Big stuff. Life changing choices must be, by nature, daunting and hard to take. At least that’s what seems to be the belief for many of us. For sure, there are occasions when we have

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A mighty seed of Grace

Inside, at the core of each of us, humans, there is a tiny seed of Grace. We call it many names and for many of us it’s so deep and ignored that we would not know that it’s there… Except in those very special moments, when something makes us relax, open and expand into awe…

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Getting out of dry dock

Good news… In the past two days I started getting back seriously into what is my most focused, motivated, self-caring, self-nurturing mode of living… By this I mean that I am getting back into writing, eating more raw food, drinking more water, studying, engaging with my sacred work, and practicing many tools for balance and

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Dawn Magic 3 behind gifts pile

Holiday stress: the yoke’s on you!

There is no denying the elevated number of people who get either stressed out or depressed or both, when comes holiday season. Many factors play out in this, and my aim is not to over-simplify, here, only to offer a perspective to possibly lighten these negative feelings. Possibly let go of them for ever. First

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Artistry of living

“Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.” ~Lao Tzu What if you had a recipe, a blueprint, an insider knowledge to craft each day and make it great?What if you mastered the art of joyful living, so much so that you could teach it to your kids, your

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You, me, and the whole beautiful mess…

A few years ago I made friends on a FaceBook group with a woman I did not know. This was a very improbable friendship, as many things could have separated us. As time went, our convictions, opinions, political orientation, showed strongly different, at opposite ends of the spectrum, apparently. But we had connected, and “liked”

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Are your survival skills keeping you from thriving?

As Life unfolds, we build up very useful survival skills.Thank goodness, we do. So we can survive a lot a circumstances, horrendous, traumatic, or just slowly spirit eroding ones…Our beautiful brain is constantly reshaping itself to adapt and integrate new data, new environment, new situations and so forth. From birth to death, our brain is

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Life-changing agreements

A little while ago, in the course of a deep conversation with a coaching client of mine, we were contemplating the life changing habit of creating agreements vs having expectations, in ANY form of relationship. Seeing my client’s reaction to our exploration prompted me to share this with you. Choosing deliberately to create agreements is

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