Articles to Inspire

About daring to take an odd commissioned work…
What to do if you are an artist or a free-lance professional in any case, and a potential client comes to you asking for an odd job? Something related to what you do generally, but not quite in your usual range,not in your comfort zone ? I had this happen about a year ago when

Inner Peace is a Practice
It has been said that peace of mind is to be sought more than gold itself for it is an unsurpassable riches.But being deliberately serene, consistently, in the face of most circumstances, is not part of our culture.In fact, it is considered normal to react and to be very affected by circumstances, on a regular

The art of shifting
A lot has been said about quantum leaps and Gosh! when they do happen, they are quite miraculous… we love them. Meanwhile in a much quieter way, there is the life transforming effect of shifting.Change can be daunting, even when we wish and long for it.We are paradoxical beings and it is not unusual to
Peaceful paintings to uplift the world
Many years ago I chose to put my skills as a painter into delivering peaceful imagery to the world. I did not start that way. In my early years I would paint and draw randomly, in as many directions as my pencil would take me. I guess the simple act of drawing was enough, in

Feng Shui your creative flow
What do Feng Sui and creative flow have in common will you ask ? They are both about energy flow. (As is everything anyway). I have been an independent artist for many years. My quality of life literally depends on my creative flow. So it’s something I watch, nurture and surrender to, on a daily

Hello everyone!The first tool and forever main, in the process of transforming one’s life, is Awareness.Awareness is literally the compass by which one keeps adjusting the trajectory of one’s every step.It gives us specific, reliable knowledge of our current situation and surroundings, of our shifts of emotion and generally of the relationship moment by moment

Knowing versus doing
By learning new concepts and new tools we acquire knowledge.That means we are able to talk about the matter.We can answer questions.We could even teach basic principles.Yes. That is knowing.After years of learning about the law of attraction, metaphysical principles, energy shifts, vibrational energy and other tools for manifesting one might wonder: “How comes I

Manifesting Results
It’s funny how when we forget that particular truth, Life itself finds very efficient ways to remind us!If we are practicing Awareness, it helps us put whatever happens in context and use it as feedback, so that when Life sends us a reminder, we do realize that it is only that: a reminder…We do have

Intention is the back bone of everything purposeful.Without intention we act on whims, unconscious patterns, outside influences or fleeting desires. Without intention we sail without a rudder and we are the toy of circumstances.Hence the need to be very clear on what is our core Intention in life. It is worth pondering and bringing to

The Power of I am
The words “I AM” are translated in famous verses from the Torah as “being God’s name”.The Holiness in us, is said to be brought up with those words. Either versed into biblical study or not, we all use the words “I am” and few of us are aware of their power upon our lives, at

Clarity of Purpose
Clarity of purpose is the booster of our dreams.Without clarity we have only a vague wish, a foggy vision, a distant relationship with our desire.So many levels of our life require that we be clear, it seems fair to say that clarity is, like awareness, a mental attitude to cultivate on a daily basis. Clarity

Gratitude: A Magic Wand
If I had only one tool to give you, I’d choose to share the practice of Gratitude.To frequently engage in feeling grateful is an amazing practice.Now, I am not talking about having a fleeting thought here and there, but about genuine immersion of oneself in the luxury of gut warming, heart opening, joy inducing Gratitude.The